GK Market

by CDAT Pune



About This App GK Market is a robust ICT platform designed to empower farmers collectives, including Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) and Farmer Producer Companies (FPCs). We offer end-to-end services that facilitate seamless connectivity between farmers, buyers, and agriculture processors. Our platform integrates various modules, including farmer backward linkage, commodity projection, farm traceability, commodity procurement, ecommerce, and market forward linkage, input management, and account management. We aim to provide comprehensive support to FPCs and FPOs, enabling them to sustain and grow their business operations.Mission Our mission is to revolutionize the agricultural ecosystem by bridging the gap between farmers and buyers, promoting fair trade, and empowering farmers collectives through technology, market linkages, and access to capital and infrastructure. VisionTo Build the Agriculture Eco-System at FPO Production Zone & Connect Farmer to the Market.Working ProcessWe are farmer Producer Company. With the power of technology and our agrarian roots .We provide the services like Commodity unite rate, fops registration, buyer registration and with skipping the middle man farmer can sell his product to the buyer at good price. We proved the backward linkage Facility for Farmer Producer Company it includes• Farmer Registration • Crop sown data• Projected yield• Harvested Yield • Marketable Surplus.Buyer Wise Demand Buyer can add his demand from the app and can also check the demand status of order